Thursday, March 4, 2010

Welcome Sydney!

Lots to report today.
My computer went down last week so I was without for a couple of days, I was lost. It was like I didn't know what to do with myself. Luckily none of my files were lost and now I'm back in business.
First of all I revisited the THS boys swim team to retake the team photo. This time I left plenty of time for the camera to adjust to the warm pool area. (77). Also ran into an old friend Ethan while at the pool.
Sydney Elizabeth Beckett was born. She and mom are great! It was nice to visit my friends at the hospital for such a happy occasion unlike the end of last year when Joseph (Sydney's uncle) was in a bad car accident and we didn't know if he would make it or not.
Yesterday I shot a senior boy for SHS and I took 231 images which is a lot but I haven't shot a senior session in a while and he was a little difficult. His smile had 3 stages from fake, half smile then he hits it and then its gone.
My last entry is about my husband and his two brothers. They came in to the studio to take a photo for their mom's birthday. It had to be done, My mother in law has an photo of them over her fire place that was taken around 1979! (82).

Total to date-6195

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