Tuesday, June 29, 2010

AHS Class of 2010 comes to a close

We finished our first year as the official photographers for Avon High School. It was a lot of work, but in the end we did a good job. Our last task was the graduation ceremony it was very hot and sunny. Bill, Jenna and I all were armed with cameras. It was a nice ceremony, and the students were so happy to get their diplomas. I have gotten to know so many of the families so it was special to be a part of it all.
Best of luck the all the graduates of 2010!
I was in charge of candids so I took 411 shots.
Total 20,224

Monday, June 28, 2010


I forgot to talk about the photo shoot with Lauren for her Bat Mitzvah! Liked I mentioned in my previous post she brought in her pet gecko! First time we had a gecko in the studio.
Total for shoot 244
Total to date 19,813


Busy month! I shot three Mitzvahs! Two Bats one Bar- I already talked about Samantha's so I wont mention that one again. Jake and Lauren were my other two.

Jake's was outside, at a day camp. There was so much for kids to do that it was hard to cover everything. I brought the underwater camera and thru it in the pool so the kids could play. They gave out towels. Nice touch. I had Work Ali come with me to help out. The only bad thing is that he is a Eagles fan...ewe!
Next up was Lauren, remember she brought her pet gecko to her photo shoot. Way cool. Her party was at La Trotoria in Canton. Second time in one month. There is a girl doing an Internship at Moto photo, her name is Isabelle she attends Miss Porters private school. She has to put in 80 hours. She's sweet! Anyways she came to the party for a couple of hours and I let her take some shots.
Total for both Mitzvahs is 1740
Total to date 19,569

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Hello Sailor!

It was a busy few days in the studio.
A sailor came into the studio for his parents. He is being diploid soon and he wanted to give them a nice portrait in his uniform. I took 51 shots of him.
Also shot a young girl for a life size cut out we made of her for her Bat Mitzvah (122). Finished up Simsbury Lacrosse team photos with 59.
In studio I shot a little girl named Caroline. She was soo cute. 180 shots.
In May I took 14 passports.
Total 17,829

I'm Old!

Ok, I shot an engagement session for a good friends son. They were a lot of fun and went with everything I said. The only problem is when I was trying to re enact the ending of the movie Officer and a Gentleman. You know when Richard Gere carries Debra Winger off at the end, you know one of the most romantic scenes in cinema history!!!! They had no clue what I was talking about. Kids!
Any ways I wish them luck and here's to Matt safely returning home.
Shot 206
Total 17,477

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bat Mitzvah!

I shot Samantha's Bat Mitzvah. She had her party at La Trotoria in Canton. While I was waiting for the kids to show up I took images of a menu they had in a frame. The prices are a little better then they are today! Italian Ravioli only .50, Hamburgs .15. PIE only 10 cents!!!. I love how they served appetizers and relishes!

I shoot 1158 images at the Mitzvah

Total 17,271

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Get Ready Class of 2011!

We had to meet with the Junior Class at Avon High School. We showed them a slide show and Miller killed it with his wit! I was in the back with my casio.

I also took some photos of Al mowing the lawn...he's going to miss our small lawn when we move to Bantam and have to mow lawns 5 times bigger!

18 all together.

total 16,113

Torrington Middle School Track

Every year I am lucky enough to shoot the TMS track team. I have been shooting this team since Ali was in sixth grade, and I am sad to say that was 13 years ago!!! Yikes!!
Also shot an engagement session for a very cute couple that are getting married in October. It should be a good wedding, they were very cute, but need to work on their dance skills a little!
track 14
engagement session 211

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Prom Season!

We shot at the Hartford Marriott for the Avon High School Prom. Soo many pretty dresses. It was fun. 230 images were taken, but Joel snapped a few to try and throw my count off! So 230 minus 2 is umm 228! Yeah me.
It was fun telling the youngins that I married my senior prom date! YIKES! (It's all good)
Ryan also helped then we met up with my daughter for a drink, fun for me. Not so much for Ali!
Total after prom 5 hook ups and a little prom drama....haha
or 15,870 images!