Monday, May 31, 2010

When it rains it poors!

This weekend we had to shot Simsbury Little league and The Greater Hartford Track invitational at Simsbury High School. I was on the track meet team with Jenna and work Ali. It was a long hot day!!! Sunday I covered at the store so for the first time in 5 years I did not shoot little league :(.
We shoot like crazy at the track meet. The total number was 6479!!! Ryan shot 131. Work Ali shot 1008, Jenna shot 1263 and I was working two cameras and shot 2898 ohhh yeah!

Total images so far this year 15,560

Just for fun, lets add Simsbury Lacrosse images! 182 shots of teams and individuals,

New total 15,642

Friday, May 28, 2010

Sessions in the Studio

Last Saturday I was the only photographer on staff and had a full day. I shot a girl in her prom dress 191, a little girl 149. a family 242 (together and separate). A very cute but droolie baby 190.
It's hard to add lib to my blogs, because I am too far behind. As I catch up I will be able to write more.

Total to date 12,662

Playing Catch Up!

I have been major slacking.....although I didn't have Internet of a long time, So that is also why I haven't been blogging!!!!
I can't blame American Idol.....bit now that it's over I can resume my work alcoholic life!

Here we go...
April passports total 16.
Little league make up shots 75
Simsbury lacrosse 182
Business head shot 52

Total 11,900

Monday, May 3, 2010

Done with AHS Sports

I am finally finished shooting Avon High School Sports for the year of 2009-2010! I finished up with Baseball. The golf team never showed up for their team photo so while I was waiting I got board so I took pictures, it was a nice day and I was in no hurry to get back to work shhhhh! Don't worry about the golf team because Jenna shot action of them, in case you were worried.
Total shots taken in the last week of sports for AHS 332
Total to date- 11,575